Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I finally got my internet back!  Something keeps happening with our router, and the internet "blacks out" for 5-7 days and then comes back.  It doesn't bother me too much.  Aside from some research online and planning my Little Darling's homeschool for the coming year, I don't need the web much.  I can always find other things to do.....

But lately here, I have been REALLY unmotivated :(  Really. Really. Unmotivated!  I keep thinking of all these great projects, but they are always WAY beyond my crochet skill level.  And then I keep trying to sew.  Luckily these patterns and fabric don't cost much because I have blown through a lot of both lately.

I have about 5-8 crochet projects that are incomplete.... But I have no interest in finishing them.  I want to do something new.  Something different.  Something more interesting.  I am tired of granny-this, and motif-that.  I want to make Clothing!  I want to make Jewelry!  I want to make Accessories!  I want to make something Unique!

But for now, I am just going to sit and sketch out my frustrations in my journal and continue my search for something that will satisfy this hunger I have more something Bigger...that is on my skill level.

Frustrated. Bored. Searching. Until next time.

1 comment:

  1. Aw- I'm sorry that you're having a creative drought. I completely understand getting bored with works-in-progress. You should try one of those projects that's "way out of your skill level". You might surprise yourself. Chin up- awesome things will start coming together in no time!
