Friday, November 4, 2011

Just a Taste!

I don't even think I can consider this to be a "Sneak Peak" at all.  I just wanted to SHOW something!  Anything! 

I apologize in advance for the terrible picture!  I had to take it on my phone, since my camera and cord to upload pictures are both missing in action.  I can't help but imagining this weird idea of the two running off somewhere to a warm beach for a picnic.  They are on strike and refusing to be used and over-worked!  The really funny thing is I can't stand it when people make a post full of terrible pictures from their phones!  I even have seen this on "professional" blogs.  The whole time I am thinking, "Wha-huh?  Is that a shoe?  And eyeball?  What the hell is the point of all this crazy picture-mess?"  But, in my case, I didn't have much of a choice.  This, I hope will be one of the last times, but who knows what will happen in the future....... my cord and camera may choose to remain in hiding forever, leaving me with nothing but my camera phone.

OOOKKK!!!!  So enough of the blah-blah and on with business!

I made this poncho for my Little Darling.  I thought that I was finished with it, but then I realized 2 things:  (1) I think I need to line it with something so that it's warm enough to wear under a sweater on a cool day.  I have some super cute fabric to put on the other side of it!  But I have to do that after I take care of #2...

(2)  The Hello Kitty thing I tried to crochet soooooo did not work for me!  I kept messing it up.  Then I found an embroidery pattern in this book

I bought this book several months ago.  Obviously, I don't speak Japanese......and apparently I am TERRIBLE at reading patterns. Hahahahaha!  I can't have the diagram OR the words.  I only understand patterns where there is a diagram, a picture, AND word instructions.  I tried to crochet a Hello Kitty face, but it didn't work out.  Then I was like, "OK, Mr. 'I'm gonna make this too hard for you', I am going to figure out an alternate solution to this, so take that!"  That's when I grabbed the embroidery pattern that you see for the blanket above/next to the hat. I found out that it's too big for the little square.  So now, I am on the hunt for a smaller Hello Kitty face to put on the front.

Either way.... This is what I have at the moment.... and it is "evolving" as time goes by!

Again, sorry about the low-quality picture!  I have never made a poncho before. My Little Darling has been begging for one since the summer..... I love this one and I can't wait until it's 100% done and I can show everything in vivid detail ANDDDD show what it looks like on my Little Darling!  So stay tuned for my "finishing touches"....and definitely stay tuned for the other cute little wintry items that I have made for her!

Have a great weekend!

PS------ If you are interested in making something from this book (which totally was $60 PLUS shipping- *CRAZY*) just leave a comment with your email address and I will scan the pattern and email it to you.  I am not sure whether posting the patterns here is a bad thing or not.  This is an out-of-print book, maybe written by a dead person.  So I don't know what copyright laws apply to old books by dead people (no disrespect!!).  But I do know that sharing patterns, books, ideas, and so on is the exact same thing as if I said, "Yea, girl, go ahead and borrow my book.  Just give it back whenever you are done".  I mention all the time how important it is for me to SHARE in the world of creativity, so hit me up if you want a pattern from the book.  I won't post it here, but I will email it to you so we can share :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thoughts on a Rainy Thursday

Hellloooooo Blogland :)

Normally a groggy, rainy day would be discouraging, but I am finding it rather nice today.  My allergies are in complete disagreement with me, but my soul feels more at peace.  This Autumn season has been surprisingly warm and comfortable.  There have been several days this season that I have been able to walk around without sleeves.  THIS is the Kentucky that I remember when I moved here.  Last year was a freak of nature!  It got cold so soon and actually stayed cold.  I just kept wishing and praying every day this past spring that summer would come soon and stay for a long time!  I think my prayers were answered.

But, now, I am finally trying to focus on things like: WINTER//CHRISTMAS//COMFORT MEALS//A WINTER JACKET//PARTY PLANNING

The holiday season is the craziest time for me.... With Thanksgiving {party planning}, my brother's birthday, my Little Darling's birthday{party planning}, another brother's birthday, Christmas {shopping}, New Year's {party!!!} and then my sister's birthday {PARTY!!}!  GAH!  Just thinking about it is actually super exciting.  I looooove giving and making gifts!

Right now, I am planning 3 things at a time...which is not my strength.  Ha!  You will shortly see that 3 things is really 30 things balled into 3 categories *blushing!*

Thanksgiving menu:  It'll be my very first Thanksgiving that I cook and stay at my home with my family.... scary!  Last year, my friend who did her first Christmas at home asked me when I planned on setting a family tradition of my own.  I honestly hadn't thought about my response was, "I dunno.  When my parents are dead?"  BAD ANSWER!  So I am now rummaging through cook books, magazines, and websites for interesting meals/dishes to create for Thanksgiving.  I want everything to be perfect and tasty.  You will surely see an atomic explosion from my apartment if someone doesn't eat what I have worked so hard to prepare!!!

My Little Darling's birthday party:  She declared that she wants it to be a pink fairy party!  I am not one to be very girly, but I am excited to make pretty, fluffy things for my daughter.  I am excited to bake again and decorate.  I used to host dinner parties all the time, but that hasn't happened in literally YEARS!  Now, the only time I can look forward to hosting guests and decorating is during her birthday.  You better believe that Martha Stewart and I have become verrrry close this week as I gather ideas!  I just can't wait.  I have wanted to do a fairy theme (I don't know about the pink part) for about 2 years, but I always let my Little Darling pick.  Last year was rainbows, the year before was a zoo theme.

Christmas presents:  I am being considerably more selective this year!  For the past 2-3 years, I have shelled out over $1500 on gifts.  I can't do that this year because I am not working full time. But I also don't have the motivation to do that this year.  My younger brother & sister are now 12, and they only care about electronics and such.  Daddy handles the "big gifts" for them.  The Christmas spirit has died down in our home.  Everyone wants to sit and do their own thing.  While growing up, we used to have family and friends over.  We played music and danced and played cards.  That hasn't happened in a long time.  This year, The Hubs and I have decided to make our own little Christmas.  So we will only buy gifts for this household (and not 30-40 gifts!!!) and we will stay home.  I am still going to hand make some thing for some people.  Last year, I crocheted several scarves for friends...this year... I think I want to do something completely different....  I think I want to make things from paper this year...... Ok, I literally just had this thought RIGHT NOW... so I need to let it marinate and think of exactly WHAT sort of paper gifts I will be making, but I hope it's awesome.

So those are my 3 things for the moment.  Thanksgiving Menu, Pink Fairy Party, and Paper Christmas.

I am sorry I don't have any photos for this post to show what I have been working on (and what I just finished-- CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!) but I can't find the cord to upload my pictures!  And now, as I look around my living room, I just realized that I no longer can find my camera either!  GAHHH!!!!  I will find both and make a couple of posts this weekend.  I am still in the process of doing my deep cleaning for the week.  I am sure everything will turn up as I clean.

Until then--- Have a Wonderful Thursday!